Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Married but looking for fun

This blog has been inspired by a chat with an ex/best friend yesterday where as  usual we rambled on and talked about topics from sex to holidays and back to sex.

Bear with me while I give a short background. Met him when I was much younger. He older and sexier. His voice made my knees buckle. He was married and I was not. He was looking for fun and I thought so was I. He grew fond of me and I fell in love. Eventually after 7 years somewhere my brains kicked in and I stopped talking to him for a year to get over him. 

There is obviously something about him as I miss when I don't keep in touch and have a ginormous soft spot for him. But I rather hug and cuddle him now than sleep with him.

Back to yesterday. He was giving me a detailed download on the new woman in his life. She is married too like him. I asked him, "doesn't it get sticky?". He responded, "I find the "wishing to remain married, but looking for some fun on the side" the best type actually".

That got me thinking. In the last two years where I have been single and I won't lie, the entire period has not been a choice, I have come across many a married man who love their wife. Have a very secure picture perfect life from the outside. But are looking for fun.

From the top of my head, five. These are sexy, accomplished men. As I mentioned, it seems they have the perfect marriage. But one work trip evening catch up, one afternoon coffee, one chat, one drink and they put it out there. They are open to fun with me. 

So is this the norm nowadays? Is this what marriage nowadays means? Do I then stop looking for the best friend/travelling companion/amazing sex person I am looking for? 

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